1. Use honey to moisturise and clear up breakouts
Apply raw honey to your face and leave it for 5 minutes, before washing off again with lukewarm water, and it will naturally moisturise your skin. Honey also has strong antibacterial properties that will help fight infections like acne. (Some people’s skin is very sensitive and honey can cause irritation, so make sure you are not allergic to honey before applying it to your skin.)
2. Eat more organic raw fruit and veg
You can do your skin a big favour by just increasing the amount of fresh fruit and vegetables that you eat. It’s preferable to buy your fruits and veg organic, as non organic versions can be packed with chemicals and pesticides. Your skin needs plenty of vitamins C, E and K, to keep it looking fresh and not dry and flaky. You could, of course, buy an expensive face cream for this, but then again, why not just eat more fruit?
3. Use coconut oil for clear skin
Coconut oil is a great, cheap, alternative to more expensive, store bought, skin products. It’s pure and simple and it contains antioxidants to fight free radicals and it also has natural antifungal and antibacterial properties. Plus, it has a deep moisturising effect on your skin too.
4. Use a sunscreen
The sun dries out your skin and causes damage that can lead to wrinkles and age spots. Always apply a sunscreen, even in the winter, and your skin will stay young looking for longer.
5. Use olive oil as a makeup remover
Olive oil is much budget friendly than commercial makeup remover and it’s much better for your skin too. Olive oil is far less abrasive than store bought makeup remover and it naturally moisturises and nourishes your skin too.
6. Don’t be fooled by the price tag
In skin care, the most expensive, is not always the best and, often, what you are paying for is the big brand name, not the ingredients. Your skin is very sensitive to chemicals and harsh ingredients. The most budget friendly and best way to look after it is often with the simplest and most natural products.
7. Exfoliate using simple ingredients
Exfoliating your skin, removes dead skin cells and the accumulated grime from the day and will leave your skin looking fresh and new. You don’t need any expensive scrubs though; just some sugar (or coffee grounds) and olive oil will do the job just as well.
8. Drink green tea
If you have blotchy red skin, then try drinking green tea regularly. Green tea contains anti-inflammatory ingredients that will reduce redness and it also contains compounds that help to prevent collagen destruction and so reduce the appearance of lines and wrinkles. If you do have red skin, then drinking the cold tea is better, because hot beverages can aggravate the redness.
9. Drink lots of water
Keep your skin hydrated for virtually no cost at all with a simple glass of water. Drinking water will keep your skin moisturised, from the inside out, and it will also help to flush out toxins that can have a detrimental effect on your skin.
10. Get a good night’s sleep
A good night’s sleep is a pretty cheap way to get clear skin! When you sleep, your body rejuvenates, but when you are awake, it puts stress in the body, which can be the cause of breakouts and lacklustre skin. Making sure that you get seven to eight hours sleep a night can make a huge difference to your skin.
Thanks for reading my article for more visit www.healthuneed.blogspot.com
Reviewed by FAROOQ AHMED

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