10 Amazing Benefits of Turmeric
1. Alzheimer’s disease
Azheimer’s disease is a neurodegenerative disease that is caused by progressive cognitive deterioration along with declining activities of daily living and behavioral changes. It is found out that turmeric can work effectively to improve memory in Alzheimer’s patients, thanks to the properties of anti-inflammatory, and antioxidant curcumin’s ability to decrease Beta-amyloid plaques.
2. Boost the immune system
Boosting immunity is among other heath benefits of curcumin in turmeric. Additionally, by using this plant frequently, you can maintain normal cholesterol levels, and also get beneficial effects in arthritis, allergy, asthma, etc.
3. Weight loss
Obesity becomes a great problem for not only women but also men all over the world nowadays. And it would be a pity if those who concern do not know how to use turmeric to solve this problem. Thanks to curcumin, this miracle spice is able to help promote weight loss, thus reduce the risk of obesity. Besides, as the turmeric can detoxify the liver and protect cell damage, the process of fat burning can be improved.
4. Diabetes
For those who are worried about the development of diabetes, turmeric can be the solution thanks to the curcumin presenting in it that helps to prevent the development of type 2 diabetes. Regardless to the benefits of turmeric related to liver, many researchers have proved the efficiency of turmeric in lessening insulin resistance in blood, which is the reason why you should add turmeric to the food everyday.
5. Good for liver
Another benefit of turmeric that you did not know about is its great effect in protecting your liver from diseases. Thanks to the compound called curcumin, turmeric successfully assists you in the fight against liver cancer and improves liver fibroids. Furthermore, it also promotes the enzymes; known as dietary carcinogens, which used to flush out, thus enhance protection against liver damage.Do not forget to add turmeric into your daily diet if a healthy stomach is what you wish for
6. Digestion
Turmeric has long used to plays an important part in curing common problems related to stomach such as indigestion, gas buildup, gastric ulcer, ulcerative colitis, hemorrhoid, etc. It helps stimulate gallbladder to release bile, increase the absorption of intestine and enhance intestinal flora. Also, turmeric can increase gastric wall mucus, making it a protective layer for your stomach.
7. Hair treatment
Not only is turmeric good for skin, but it also makes a great remedy for hair and scalp. By regularly applying turmeric remedies, you can help yourself efficiently promote hair growth, deter dandruff and also improve the overall health of your scalp.
8. Skin health
For centuries, turmeric has been used to excellently treat many beauty problems such as anti-aging, acne, wrinkle, burn and scar, etc. thanks to many natural properties and antiseptic agent that are presenting in it. Specifically, this orange ingredient is able to exfoliate, take care of the scars and inflammations along with reduce oil secretion, which makes your skin lighter and more elastic.
9. Blocking cancer
It is found out that with the same properties that treat inflammation, turmeric can also prevent the growth of cancer since the curcumin blocks many important molecular pathways of cancer development. This substance is believed to have the ability to eliminate cancer cells inside the body and confine the growth of the rest.Although, the studies of this function are still in the early stage, turmeric holds a lot of potential to be a cancer cure.
10. Anti-inflammatory
Thanks to curcumin, the main pharmacological agent, turmeric has the same effect as strong drugs gyrocortisone and phenylbutazone and the anti-inflammation agents like Motrin but without any side effect. That makes it a wonderful treatment forswollen and painful injury or even inflammatory bowel disease.
Thanks for reading my article for more visit www.healthuneed.blogspot.com
10 Amazing Benefits of Turmeric
Reviewed by FAROOQ AHMED

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