1-. Showerheads
Your showerhead can be a breeding place for bacteria too, so that they need cleaning to stop fungi and bacteria breeding. If you don’t, all those nasty little pests will grow overnight and be ready to come out with your morning shower. The best way to clean a showerhead is with some diluted vinegar and an old toothbrush with which you will be able to remove the build-up of lime case and dirt.
2-. Toothbrushes
Dentists recommend that we all change our toothbrushes every three months, but apparently, only 9% of us do. If you leave it too long before you buy a new toothbrush you can get a build-up of bacteria on it and it will also become frayed and soft so, it won’t clean your teeth properly.
3-. Telephones
We mentioned mobile telephones in the introduction, but they are worthy of a second mention here. One study found that a large number of phones not only had everyday bacteria, but an alarming number also had faecal bacteria lurking on them too. Both office phones, and cell phones and home phones, should be given a wipe over with an alcohol wipe every couple of weeks to keep the germs at bay.
4-. Drapes
Drapes in your home might look like they are clean, but over time; they collect dust and become a magnet for dust mites, which can bring out allergic reactions. Experts recommend that drapes are cleaned with a vacuum cleaner at least once a month to stop the dust building up. For a thorough clean, they will need washing. Check the labels, because many will need to be dry cleaned or they will shrink.
5-. Kitchen sponges
The tiny holes in a sponge are the ideal, dark and damp, place for bacteria to breed and, if you use a sponge in the kitchen, then that could mean salmonella and e-coli. The most effective ways to disinfect a sponge are to soak it in a bleach solution for at least five minutes or pop it in the microwave, on full power, for about two minutes. The microwave method is said to kill 99% of germs.
6-. Make-up brushes and makeup
Makeup brushes and sponges should be cleaned in warm soapy water, at least once a month, to stop the build of bacteria and dead skin cells. Also, don’t keep your makeup for too long, especially eye makeup. Mascara should never be kept for longer than three months or you’ll have some bacteria growing in there too.
7-. Your hands
We’re not saying your hands are gross, but do you clean them often enough during the day? Your hands come into contact with other people’s dirt and germs all the time; from door handles and light switches to handrails and other surfaces in public places. Use hand sanitizer regularly, because you can never be sure who has touched something before you did.
8-. Computer keyboards
A survey conducted in London found that computer keyboards in an office had more germs lurking in them than the toilet seats did! Even your home computer keyboard is probably a haven for dirt and germs, because of the tiny bits of food and dirt that slip down between the keys. Keyboards are definitely an item that should be sanitized regularly, but make sure you use the right products, so you don’t damage the computer or rub the letters of the keys.
9-. Your pillows
You probably change your pillow cases regularly, but what about the pillows themselves? Old pillows can get clogged up with mites, fungus, dust, bits of dead skin and other assorted gross things. Don’t just assume that because your pillow case smells lovely fresh you are not sleeping on a whole pile of nasty little creepy crawlies that have set up home inside your pillow. Check the labels on your pillows before washing, some can go in the washing machine, but down pillows will need to go to the dry cleaners.
10-. The drawers in your desk
Underneath the three million loose paperclips, discarded biros and pads of cute post it notes that you never use, there probably lies a layer of dirt and germs. The drawers of a desk are positioned, just right to catch the small crumbs of food from your working lunch and if you don’t have a clean out on a regular basis, there they will stay, gathering mould and bacteria.
Thanks for reading my article for more visit www.healthuneed.blogspot.com
Reviewed by FAROOQ AHMED

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