14 Natural Home Remedies For Diaper Rash
1. Coconut Oil
Coconut oil owns anti-fungal and antibacterial features, and so it can be made use of to fight against the irritating feeling caused by this ailment. It can ease your baby’s vulnerable skin.
- This ingredient can keep moist. Rub a handful of coconut oil on the infected skin
- Another method is to dilute some drop of coconut oil into your bath water and wash your baby as normal.
It is one of the most affordable tips on how to get rid of diaper rash.
2. Breast Milk
Besides a nutrient for any infant, it assists you in diaper rash treatment and easing the irritation. It is one of the affordable home remedies for diaper rash. Moreover, it is wholesome, since no baby is allergic to mother’s milk
Simply, stain some drop of breast milk into the affected skin and let it dry.
3. Shea Butter
Shea butter has anti-bacterial, anti-swollen and fungus-eradicating properties, which makes it a perfect ingredient in home remedies for diaper rash to help impede and throw way the problem. It also contains effective vegetable fats that enable to enhance circulation, push up cell development, and promote healing process [
Rinse off your baby’s bottom with specialized bathing milk and tepid water. Let it dry.
Melt some Shea butter. After that, add it into the infected skin.
Let it steep for a half hour and wear for your baby other nappies.
4. Plantain Oil
A lot of pediatricians suggest plantain oil can ease the irritation of diaper rash. This oil is rather good for getting rid of diaper rash, no matter what causes diaper rash.
The oil owns anti-allergic features that can give you a helping hand in alleviating swelling together with diaper rash. For confronting with this ailment, you can apply plantain oil or the herb.
Grind pure plantain leaves and pat this paste on o your baby’s ass when wearing nappies for him/her.
Or, you can rub plantain oil directly on your baby’s bottom prior to changing a new diaper.
5. French Green Clay
This substance is also rather effective in diaper rash treatment, especially when what causes diaper rash is bacteria. The mineral-rich French green clay can impede the red spots from growing and promote the healing process. To confront with this ailment, sprinkle some French green clay over the infected bottom when wearing for your baby nappies ].
6. Yogurt
If your newborns or infant suffer from diaper rash, yogurt will aid in treating a red spots resulting from fungus. A number of pediatricians recommend putting a thin layer of yogurt in your baby’s ass just like an antibacterial cream to cure the fungus more directly. This home remedy for diaper rash maybe will be good for treatment for genital areas.
Besides, yogurt is also commonly used in various women problems, including bacterial vaginosis treatments.
7. Apple Cider Vinegar
For a long time, apple cider vinegar has been tested to fight against all types of skin disease well.. It helps your newborn or infant to ease the swelling and also get rid of itchiness promoting the healing process, which is extremely beneficial for home remedies for diaper rash.
- Apple cider vinegar- 1-2 tbsp
- Water- 1-2 cups
- Cloth or cotton ball
How to do it:
- Dissolve vinegar in water
- Dip a piece of cloth in this liquid.
- Wash the infected area with it.
- Act like this some times per day.
It is one of the best home remedies for diaper rash.
8. Tea Tree Oil
Because of its anti-bacterial features, this oil will be the best home remedy for diaper rash by not only fighting against your infecting condition that may be the terrible result of the red spots but also impeding the development of such bacteria and yeast in the affected area. Tea tree oil can be also used to treat staph infection in children[].
- Tea tree oil- 4-6 drops
- Olive oil or coconut oil- 2-4 tbsp
- Cotton swab
- How to do it:
- Mix some essential oil together such as tea tree oil, lavender oil and coconut oil
- Dip the cotton swab in the solution.
- Rub it on the infected skin
- Massage it softly into the skin.
- Act like this some times per day in some consecutive weeks.
- Test this mixture on your skin before applying for your baby, because it can lead to allergy.
9. Aloe Vera
The refresh easing and skin friendly herbal medicine is also effective when it transfers to red spots on your baby’s ass. It not only eases the irritation resulting from rashes but also treat the skin ].
Preparation: Aloe Vera leaf
How to do it:
- Cut aloe Vera leaf
- Get yellowish white sap.
- Apply it to the infected areas.
- Let it steep a quarter hour.
- Rinse off with clean water.
- Act like this several time per week.
It is reckoned as one of the best tips on how to get rid of diaper rash. Don’t hesitate to make use of Aloe Vera’s effect to treat your baby’s ailment.
10. Maize Powder
Maize powder imbues moist fungus, making it an excellent home remedy for diaper rash. It will help dry your baby’s bottom, decrease diaper friction and impede bacterial growth
- Take the soiled nappies and rinse of your baby’s ass with tepid water.
- Let itself dry and leave your baby’s bare bottom for some minutes
- Gently sprinkle maize powder directly on your ‘baby skin prior to changing a new one.
- Act like this in several consecutive weeks.
11. Oatmeal
Being a strong home remedy for diaper rash, oatmeal is rich in protein alleviating and protect a child’s soft skin. Additionally, it also consists of the chemical substance saponin, which helps to eradicate harmful factors from the skin cells .
- Dilute one teaspoon of oatmeal into your bath.
- Soak your baby in this solution for a quarter hour.
- And then wash your baby as normal. Repeat several times in some uninterrupted weeks. Your situation will enhance.
12. Vinegar
Bad urine like a toxin may harm to your baby’s skin. To solve this issue, vinegar is one of the optimal home remedies for diaper rash.
If you are using reusable diapers or cloth diapers, wash them with a vinegar mixture. Pour one-half cup of vinegar to half a pail of water and use it to rinse your children’s nappies. The method will give you a helping hand in throwing way bacteria in the nappies together with any urine smell.
Dissolve one teaspoon of vinegar into a large bowl of water. Wash your baby’ ass by this mixture when changing nappies for him/her. It helps to fight against bacteria ].
13. Baking Soda
This powder has anti-fungal properties giving you a helping hand in the diaper rash treatment ].
Dilute some tablespoons of baking soda into two ounces of water. Wash your baby’ ass by this mixture when changing nappies for him/her. Clean your child’s bottom until it becomes dry.
Another way is to take a bath or tube your baby in the solution of vinegar and water. Repeat some times per week. This disease will improve.
It is simple to know how to get rid of diaper rash, right?
14. Petroleum Jelly
A number of pediatricians suggest putting a thin layer of defensive cover on the baby’s soft ass every time you change a nappy. Petroleum jelly is the best choice for this treatment of diaper rash. It will assist you in protecting the diaper area from inflammation, which helps to prevent many child problems, such as Head Lice.
- After taking way a soiled diaper, wipe your baby’s ass with tepid water.
- After that, rub petroleum jelly on your baby’ infected area.
Thanks for reading my article for more visit www.healthuneed.blogspot.com
14 Natural Home Remedies For Diaper Rash
Reviewed by FAROOQ AHMED

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