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15 Surprising Home Remedies for Diarrhea

1. Apple Cider Vinegar

The mighty antibacterial property from apple cider vinegar is enough to get it in the list of home remedies for diarrhea. Furthermore, the pectin from the vinegar can become the protective coating which can ease intestinal spasms 
How to use:
  • Take 1 to 2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar into some water.
  • Consume twice per day until the condition is improved.Di
Diarrhea can also bring along some fever; however, that should not be a problem as apple cider vinegar can effectively cure fever in no time. You can find out more about the apple cider vinegar at: Home Remedies for Typhoid Fever.

2. Banana

This fruit is extremely excellent at treating the symptoms of watery stools. It also contains pectin which is a soluble fiber that can improve the absorption of liquid in intestines, thus significantly decrease the excessive liquid in stools .
Furthermore, the potassium from banana can supply the electrolytes lost in diarrhea. Therefore, it is reasonable to include banana in the list of home remedies for diarrhea.
How to use:
  • Take a ripe banana to mash with a teaspoon of tamarind pulp and a little bit of salt. After mixing well, consume twice every day.
  • You can take 1 to 2 ripe bananas in breakfast.

3. Yogurt

The “live cultures” from yogurt is the kind of positive bacteria which are in charge of protecting the intestines while generating lactic acid in order to eliminate toxins in the body. Due to this reason, yogurt should definitely be listed in the home remedies for diarrhea .
You can consume yogurt directly or use it to make smoothies. Normally, it is recommended to avoid dairy products until the condition is improved; however, yogurt is in the exception list.

4. Chamomile

Able to treat numerous problems related to intestines, together with the antispasmodic property and the high content of tannins, it is no doubt that chamomile is included in the list of home remedies for diarrhea 
How to use:
  • Take a teaspoon of chamomile with a teaspoon of peppermint leaves into some boiling water and steep for 15 minutes. Consume this tea for 3 times per day.
  • Also you might prepare the tea using tea bags of chamomile.

5. Blueberries

The anthocyanosides compound from blueberry contains antioxidant and antibacterial properties as well as the soluble-fiber pectin which make it the perfect candidate for the list of home remedies for diarrhea
How to use:
  • Take some dried blueberries to chew few times per day.
  • Also you can prepare tea by taking some dried crushed blueberries into some boiling water for 10 minutes. Consume few times per day.
  • Another way is cooking some soups with dried blueberries.

6. Orange Peel Tea

For the treatment of diarrhea, the tea from orange peel can significantly help ease the symptoms of diarrhea as well as support the healing of digestive system .
How to use:
  • Take the orange to wash carefully then peel off its skin and have the skin chopped.
  • Take the peel into some boiling water and steep for a while. After cooling down, put in some sugar or honey for sweetening.
  • Consume the tea for 2 to 3 times per day.

7. Potato

This starchy food is an incredible ingredient which you should not overlook in the list of home remedies for diarrhea.
How to use:
  • Regularly consume boiled plain potatoes in order to resupply nutrients lost from diarrhea and ease the upset stomach.
  • Another way is cooking potatoes with white rice and lots of water to make a thick paste. Put in some salt and consume for lunch and dinner.
Note: Keep out of French fried as well as other spicy or fried potatoes as it might worsen the condition.

8. White Rice

It is the most recommended tip in the list of home remedies for diarrhea. Due to richness of starch and easiness for digestion, it can remarkably improve your condition. You can just have boiled plain white rice without sauces or spices and you might need to start small in portion.
Also drink more water. Some of the starchy liquids and clear liquids you might take are coconut water, juices from vegetables and fruits, rice water and clear broths.

9. Black Seed Oil

Black seed is very popular in treating such health conditions as asthma, colic, gas, constipation and even diarrhea. In the treatment of diarrhea, it is best to use black seed oil 
How to use:
  • Take a teaspoon of black seed oil into some plain yogurt.
  • Consume twice per day until the symptoms are subsided.

10. Carrot Soup

It is considered a highly-consolidated food with amazing anti dyspeptic property. Therefore, it is no surprise to see carrot soup appear in the list of home remedies for diarrhea. Furthermore, it can provide the nutrients lost during diarrhea.

11. Apple

The pectin from apple is effective at hardening and consolidating the stools while the vitamin C and potassium will help you maintain hydration. That is why you need to have apple included in the list of home remedies for diarrhea.

12. Black Tea

This ingredient can help you relieve the symptoms of diarrhea remarkably as well as improve the healing of your digestive system. You can prepare some black tea without any milk. Also use honey rather than sugar with some lemon juice for better taste. Consume 2 cups daily until the condition is improved greatly.

13. Oral Rehydration Salts (ORS)

The last tip on the list of home remedies for diarrhea is also the tip which everyone will think about in the first place when they are caught with diarrhea. It is the potent ORS which is the first method you need to apply before you try on other ingredients.
You can take 6 teaspoons of sugar with ½ teaspoon of salt into 1 liter of purified drinking water and dissolve. Consume the solution within an hour. Also only consume ORS in the first 12 hours.
Another option is taking the readymade ORS sachets with flavors from local drugstore. Moreover, this method can be applied for even infants.

14. Ginger

It would be a big mistake if ginger is left out of the list of home remedies for diarrhea. This spice is effective for overall digestive system which makes it an efficient treatment of diarrhea
How to use:
  • Take a teaspoon each of honey, cinnamon powder, cumin powder and dried ginger powder to consume together 3 times per day.
  • You can prepare ginger tea using either fresh or dried ginger. Consume the tea 2 to 3 times per day will help soothe abdominal pain as well as cramps from diarrhea.
  • Another way is take some lemon juice and ginger juice in equal amount and put in some crushed pepper. Consume at least 3 times per day.
  • You can take ginger in supplementary form like capsule or consume some ginger bread, cookies or ginger ale.
Note: People with high blood pressure are not recommended for using ginger to treat diarrhea.
Ginger is an excellent kitchen ingredient but it is also a brilliant remedy for improving your overall healthy

15. Fenugreek Seeds

The first recommended tip from the list of home remedies for diarrhea is belonged to fenugreek seeds. The abundance of mucilage content from fenugreek is considered the natural cure for the treatment of diarrhea as it can consolidate the stool, thus alleviate the discomforts as well as severity of diarrhea 
How to use:
  • Take a teaspoon of fenugreek seeds with a tablespoon of yogurt to consume together.
  • Another way is taking a teaspoon of fenugreek seeds with a tablespoon of yogurt and consume together for 2 to 3 times per day.
Note: Small children with either acute or chronic diarrhea are not recommended to use this tip.
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15 Surprising Home Remedies for Diarrhea Reviewed by FAROOQ AHMED on 11:27:00 Rating: 5

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