Today we will discus the 3 benefits of blueberries,Blueberries are probably one of the most versatile super foods available. They have so many benefits, including low glycemic stimulation since they have high amounts of fiber for a fruit, they are potent with antioxidant activity dense in polyphenols and anthocyanins, and as research has shown, even increase their antioxidant content while being frozen.
1)Improve memory and cognitive function. Research has shown that older adults consuming two to two and one-half blueberries each day for twelve weeks performed better on two different cognitive function tests, which included memory, than those who hadn’t consumed the superfood. Additional research has shown that Blueberries also stimulate nerve cell growth and facilitate better communication between nerve cell processes, in turn slowing the aging process.
2)Heart Healthy– A team of Florida State University nutrition and exercise scientists discovered that consuming 22 grams of freeze dried blueberries, the equivalent of 1 cup of blueberries, every day can actually lower blood pressure and reduce arterial stiffness.
3)Blood Sugar Benefits– Blueberries have exhibited a favorable impact on blood sugar, even for diabetics. Those who consumed at least three servings of blueberries a day saw significant improvement in their regulation of blood sugar.
()Freezing Blueberries Increases Antioxidant Content
Graduate student Marin Plumb, a food science major at South Dakota State University, found that frozen blueberries are equally nutritious as fresh blueberries, even after six months of freezing.
Plumb’s experiment involved observing antioxidant levels in blueberries frozen for one, three and five months. After comparing the antioxidant content of frozen berries to fresh berries, she found no decrease in the nutritional value of the frozen berries.
In fact, Plumb noted that freezing actually increased the anthocyanin concentration.
“The ice crystals that form during freezing disrupt the structure of the plant tissue, making the anthocyanins more available,” Plumb explained.
thanks for reading major benefits of blueberries
Reviewed by FAROOQ AHMED

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