6:Emerged eyes makeup tips
Dear friends In order to give the right expression of his face, radiant and dazzling eyes play an important role. The eye shadow is the most important tool in eye makeup, through the eyes of little tricks can be visually bring the desired position. To make eyes appear larger, the almond shaped powder is applied to the eyelid. In this article we will discus emerged eyes makeup tips
6:Emerged eyes makeup tips
1. Use the sun glasses if you are out of home or in sunlight at day time. When upper eyelid helps a trick. For a uniform contour draw the eyebrow center to the top. The lid is tightened, and the hand has made it easier to pull the pin through the upper lash line. The effect of the two small line.
2. If you feel pain in your eyes due to long working, sleeping or studies then empty your mind from thinking and sleep straight. Now take two small cotton pads and cup of cold milk dip the pads in milk and put on your eyes for 10 to 15 minutes.
3) Wrinkles and dark spots around the eyes are problem for women theses Wrinkles and dark spots effect the beauty. If you have facing these problems then closed your eyes take lemon and orange peel put them on your eyes for 10 minutes repeat this process twice in week.
4) When you wake up daily in the morning closed your eyes and put the back on your eyes. The coldness of your hands give a perfect cool feel to your eyes and this process is best foreyes wrinkles and black heads.
5) Wash your eyes daily with cold water in morning and evening time. This process make you eyesight sharp. These are the some tips that we are submitting here. You can fallow these tips without any effort and money and make your eyes perfect and beautiful.
6) Always put the pure rose sap at home in freezer. Add some drops of cold rose sap in your eyes twice in a week it clean the dust from your eyes lashes and you can see clearly and easily.
Thanks for reading my article for more visit www.healthnlife.blogspot.com
6:Emerged eyes makeup tips
Reviewed by FAROOQ AHMED

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