1. Not using waterproof mascara
If you don’t want a black rim under your eyes, by the time you get to the middle of the day, then it is always best to use waterproof mascara. You don’t need to be in floods of tears for your eye makeup to run, your eyes can water because of the wind, rain, air pollution or just a speck of dust, so it’s always safer to use waterproof mascara.
2. Not priming eyes with a primer
The benefits of eye primer are pretty well known now, but it’s surprising how many girls still don’t use it. Primer helps to smooth over any creases and it creates the perfect canvas, onto which you can safely apply your eye makeup. It protects your eye makeup from the effects of the oils in your skin and so your makeup will look fantastic for much longer.
3. Applying eyeshadow after mascara and liner
If you apply your eyeshadow to last, then you will be making it more difficult to blend the shadow colors together to get the right kind of soft, beautiful, graded look. It is easier to do all the work with the eye shadow first and then, finish off with the mascara and liner.
4. Leaving eye makeup on overnight
Just because you don’t get acne on your eyes doesn’t mean that you don’t need to remove eye makeup before you go to bed. If you leave it on, it will be harder to remove it in the morning and it can get into your eyes during the night and cause irritation and redness in your eyes.
5. Groucho Marx eyebrows
If you’re too young to remember who Grouch Marx was, then look him up on Google, you’ll see what we mean! Even if you weren’t blessed with a naturally thick pair of eyebrows, don’t overdo the dark eyebrow pencil, because it just won’t look natural and remember to match the color to your hair as well.
6. Not blending
Colors and shades should blend gently from one into the other and not look like a rainbow hovering above your eye. For the perfect gradient, use a clean, soft bristle blending brush and not your application brush. This will help you to seamlessly and beautifully blend the shades together.
7. Curling lashes after applying mascara
If you try and curl your eyelashes after applying mascara, then you are going to end up with some very unsightly clumps of mascara on your lashes and a clogged up curler too. Even if you forget, remove the mascara before you curl and start over again, it will be worth the extra effort.
8. Using a dark shadow in the inner corner of the eye
If you darken the inner corner of your eye, then it’s going to make your eyes look darker and deep set. The inner corner of your eye gets less light anyway, so it is better to lighten it with a shimmery champagne or white color to open up your eyes and make them look bigger and brighter.
Thanks for reading my article for more visit www.healthuneed.blogspot.com
Reviewed by FAROOQ AHMED

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