Amazing 10 Health Benefits of Pears
1. Healing Process
Vitamin C plays an important role in boosting the metabolism, making it work properly and smoothly by taking part in synthesizing new tissues in the body. Plus, the ascorbic acid in pears helps to accelerate the healing process of tissues. Accordingly, with a regular consumption of pears, small injuries like minor burn, cuts, and even damage caused by diseases will be healed faster.
2. Heart Health
Potassium is well known for its ability to work as vasodilator, which helps to relax the blood vessels, ease the blood pressure, thus reducing the stress on cardiovascular system. Also, this valuable substance can stimulate blood flow throughout the body, helping the organs receive more oxygen to work better. The lower blood pressure also means lower chance getting cardiovascular diseases such as heart attacks, strokes, atherosclerosis, etc. Fortunately, this substance can be found greatly in pears, a delicious fruit you should add into daily basis.
3. Antioxidants
Pears are found with a huge source of antioxidants used to stave off the harmful free radicals, a dangerous byproduct of metabolism causing damage to health cell DNA. Accordingly, pears can reduce the risk of developing various diseases and health problems thanks to the activities of antioxidants, including vitamin A, C, flavonoid compounds, etc.
4. Inflammation
Thanks to the antioxidant and flavonoid in the fruit, you can make use of pears to reduce inflammation in various body parts. After being absorbed, the anti-inflammatory properties in pears immediately work to reduce the pain caused by inflammation diseases such as rheumatic conditions, arthritis, gout, etc.
5. Bone Health
The rich content of minerals in pears, including magnesium, manganese, calcium, copper, iron and phosphorus is the advantage for your bone health. By making use of this content, you can effectively reduce bone mineral loss and diminish the impacts of osteoporosis and other bone issues.
6. Birth Defect
Pears contain lots of nutrients that are essential for pregnancy of women, particularly the formation and development of the fetus. Furthermore, the folic acid in pears contributes to the reduction in neural tube defects in newborns. As a result, it is advisable for pregnant women to eat pears everyday to ensure the health of their babies.
7. Blood Circulation
Pears are loaded with minerals, especially iron and copper, which are beneficial for patients with anemia and mineral deficiencies. In detail, iron is essential for the formation of hemoglobin, a protein molecule in red blood cells used to carry oxygen from the lungs to the body’s tissues. Meanwhile, the copper in pears helps to increase the ability to absorb minerals and the level of iron in the body. Accordingly, with a healthy amount of pears consumption, you can stave off anemia, fatigue, muscle weakness and improve the cognitive function.
8. Cancer
The ample source of antioxidants makes pears a super food to prevent cancer. As the antioxidants actively act as an anti carcinogen, which counteracts the impacts of a carcinogen and reduce the risk of developing cancer. According to experts, a regular consumption of pears can lead to a significant reduction of chance getting various types of cancer, especially rectum, breast, prostate, lungs, etc.
9. Immunity
Vitamin C is essential to build a strong immunity since it helps to promote the production of white blood cells. Besides, other antioxidants in the fruit contribute to the fight against free radicals, a factor causing various diseases. This is the reason why pears have been long used to treat some common problems like cold, flu, etc.
10. Digestion
Pears are an excellent source of fiber, which provide 18% of the body’s daily requirement for fiber intake. This is extremely beneficial for digestive health since it helps to improve digestive function. Furthermore, this substance also works to help food goes smoother in the digestive and intestinal tract by accumulating foods and promoting the secretion of digestive juice. Accordingly, the bowel movements will significantly improves and the risk of developing constipation, diarrhea and other digestive problems will be reduced.
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Amazing 10 Health Benefits of Pears
Reviewed by FAROOQ AHMED

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