Cause Sore Throat and Ear Pain Simultaneously?
Dear friends as you know that Sore throat is a condition which is caused when pharynx, larynx and tonsils of the throat become inflamed. A common sore throat usually lasts for more than three days. Sore throat is commonly caused by microbial infections, which can be treated by taking over-the-counter medication
In some cases of throat infection, mucus is stuffed in sinus cavities and this can result in ear pain. Being interlinked with one another, all of these organs go through the process of exchanging the fluids among themselves. This interrelation of the organs and exchange of fluids certainly puts them at the risk of exchange of infections too. This means infection in any one of the organ also infects the remaining two organs. This exchange of infection between the organs results in sore throat and ear pain.
Sore throat and ear pain is usually caused due to an infection resulting from an inflammation caused in the inner ear, outer ear or middle ear. This inflammation not only results in stretching the eardrum, but also forces it to swell which may also affect the hearing ability. However, in some cases patients may also experience chronic pain for prolonged period due to allergies caused because of weak immune system.
Exposure to smoke or smoking, consuming excessive alcohol, consuming very hot or cold food, allergies, swollen glands, microbial infections, pollution, hay fever, sinus infections, tonsillitis, ear infections, cough, cold and flu, uvula infection, tooth infection and overuse of vocal cords are also the conditions that may cause sore throat and ear pain.
The Symptoms of Sore Throat and Ear Pain
Feeling difficulty while swallowing, swollen glands and lymph nodes, fever, pus and rash on the tonsils, stiffness in the back and neck, prolonged mouth ulcers, blood tinged saliva, blood tinged phlegm are few of the symptoms of sore throat and ear pain.
4 types of Treatment for Sore Throat and Ear Pain
- 1-Changing the tooth brush can also be helpful in getting rid of the condition and reduces the chances of transmitting the infection back into the throat through the tooth brush.
- 2-Saline Nasal Spray for Sore Throat and Ear Pain: Saline nasal spray can also be used in case of dry throat and nose as saline nasal spray helps in keeping the mucus membrane in moist condition.
- 3-Pain Killers for Sore Throat and Ear Pain: Temporary use of painkillers such as ibuprofen or paracetamol can also help in relieving the condition.
- 4-Antibiotics for Sore Throat and Ear Pain: Taking antibiotics for sore throat can also be helpful, especially in strep throat.
Best Home Remedies for Sore Throat and Ear Pain
- Herbs for Sore Throat and Ear Pain: Preparing tea from the mixture of basil leaves, turmeric, ginger, salt and cinnamon and consuming this warm preparation by adding one tea spoon of honey to it is also an effective remedy. Consuming this preparation also helps in lessening fever. Apart from this, ginger extracts when consumed with honey can also be helpful.
- Heat for Sore Throat and Ear Pain: Application of a heated piece of cloth on the affected ear can help in relieving the ear pain for some period of time. Care should be taken not to heat the cloth excessively to avoid any burn injuries
- Steam for Sore Throat and Ear Pain: Vapor bath or taking steam can help in reducing the condition. Steam taken for sore throat along with both the ears usually helps to recover quickly.
- Hydration for Sore Throat and Ear Pain: Adequate amount of warm fluid intake such as warm turmeric milk and hot soup not only helps in keeping the throat hydrated, but also eases the process of swallowing and talking. It is also better to avoid alcohol, smoking and eating very hot or cold food during the healing period.
- Lozenges and Popsicles for Sore Throat and Ear Pain: Lozenges and popsicles are also helpful in keeping the throat in a moist condition.
- Salt Water Gargling for Sore Throat and Ear Pain: Gargling with salt water repeatedly many times in a day could also be affective in sore throat.
Thanks for reading my article for more visitwww.healthnlife.blogspot.com
Reviewed by FAROOQ AHMED

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