Home Remedies & Prevention for heart burn
Dear friends Are you suffering from heartburn?! Save yourself from suffering with some easy home remedies for heartburn or GERD.
9-Causes For Heartburn
And what are the reasons that may give you heartburn?!
- Alcohol: Consumption of excessive alcohol, especially in empty stomach may lead to acid reflux and thus give you heartburn.
- Caffeine: Coffee contains caffeine. And too much consumption of coffee means too much of caffeine and thus heartburn. So limit the number.
- Aspirin: It also causes heartburn.
- Ibuprofen: Generally it is used as painkiller. So whenever you go for a painkiller, combine it with acid reflux inhibitor.
- Carbonated Beverages: Your favorite soft drink can give you heartburn too!!
- Acidic Juices: Juices of grape, orange, pineapple i.e that contains either citric acid or lactic acid etc. can cause heartburn.
- Acidic foods: Acid containing foods like tomatoes may also give heartburn.
- Chocolate: chocolates too contain caffeine. Though eating chocolate relives your stress but over eating may cause heartburn.
- Pregnancy, obesity, depression, improper sleep –these all can be a reason too.
6-Home Remedies For Heartburn
Have you tried a lot of PPI's and antacids, but found it of no use. Then let's try some home remedies.
- Baking soda: Take ½ teaspoon of baking soda and mix it with 1 glass of fresh water. Mix properly and drink. Being basic in nature, baking soda (sodium bicarbonate) neutralizes the acid in the stomach and stops the reflux.
- Aloe Vera Juice: Having a great soothing power, aloe vera juice soothes your heartburn and relieves you. ½ cup of juice is enough for your savior.
- Banana: Banana is a natural antacid. Have one daily before bedtime.
- Ginger Root tea: Take 3 slices of ginger root; simmer it for 15-20 mins; add 2 cups of water to it. Remove the slices and drink it 10-15 mins prior to your meal. It stops your nausea, stomach woes and acid reflux.
- Mustard: It may give you a yak! feeling at first, but having mustard straight helps your heart burn. Being alkalizing in nature and because of the weak acid that it contains in form of vinegar, it helps a lot. Have 1 teaspoon straight!!
- Almonds: Eating almond after every meal or snack helps a lot to reduce heartburn. But don't start nibbling like anything. It may trigger other health issues.
8-Heartburn Prevention Tips:
- Don't sleep immediately after eating. This leads to improper digestion, hence abnormal acid secretion.
- Go for a walk every day. This helps your metabolism to go easy.
- Don't wear skinny dresses after heavy meal. This may suppress your abdomen and indigestion occurs.
- Eat up to 80% full. Leave some space in your stomach as this helps in proper digestion.
- Don't stay empty stomach for a long time. Hunger triggers the acid secretion.
- If you had a heavy meal at night, do some remedy before going to bed. Try to avoid heavy meals during night.
- Don't eat excessive oily or junk foods.
- So, take care of your meal, maintain a healthy routine and stay healthy!!
Thanks for reading my tips regarding heartburn for more visit www.healthnlife.blogspot.com
Home Remedies & Prevention for heart burn
Reviewed by FAROOQ AHMED

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