1. Not using a moisturiser
It might seem a bit ridiculous, to read beauty tips for oily skin that recommend adding more moisturiser to skin that is already oily, but if you skip moisturiser altogether you are likely to make your oily skin problem even worse. If you don’t use any moisturiser at all, your skin will produce more sebum, so use a product that is designed for oily skin, and use it daily.
2. Using drying toners
You might also be tempted to use oil stripping toners to clear the oil form your face, but these too will strip out too much oil and increase the production of your own natural oils. So another one of good beauty tips for oily skin is to avoid using the strong alcohol based toners, and use plant based astringents like cucumber juice or witch hazel instead. Plant based astringents are much gentler and they will be much more effective on oily skin.
3. Using pore strips too often
It is a common misconception that oily skin will inevitably lead to more blackheads and more breakouts, but if you take care of your skin and you keep it clean, this need not be the case. Just because you have oily skin does not mean that you have to use pore strips any more often than anyone else. Use them only as directed on the packet, or your skin will probably produce more sebum than it did before.
4. Switching products too often
Don’t fall for the myth that says that, somehow, skin gets used to a product and that you need to switch products regularly to stay one step ahead. This is no truer than the myth that says that hair gets used to hair products! If you find a product that works for you then stick to it. It won’t become any less effective because you have been using it for a long time.
5. Using too much water in your skin
Even too much water will aggravate an oily skin problem. Surprisingly, water has a drying effect on the skin, so when you rinse your skin after cleansing, only rinse two or three times at the most. One of good beauty tips for oily skin is to avoid standing with face under a hot shower for too long, because it will dry out your skin and make it produce more oil.
6. Not using the best ingredients for your skin type
There are so many products and natural remedies for oily skin, that it would really be a sin to ignore them. One of fantastic natural products that you can use, if you have oily skin, is a clay mask, which can help tighten the pores, reduce oiliness, refine skin texture by removing dirt and dead cells. To prepare a simple clay mask just mix one tablespoon of kaolin clay (or white cosmetic clay) with some water, apply to your face for ten minutes before washing off. (Another tip is to mix white cosmetic clay with water, add honey and use it in the same manner.)
7. Over-exfoliating
Exfoliation is certainly one of the great beauty tips for oily skin. All the experts agree that regular exfoliation will keep your skin looking fresher and clearer, but if you think that exfoliating will stop your skin getting greasy, you’d be wrong. If you exfoliate too often, you skin can dry out and then that will lead to even more oil being produced. You only need to exfoliate once or twice a week, even if you do have oily skin.
8. Using the wrong type of cleanser
The best types of cleansers to use on oily skin are the foam-based ones, which will remove the oil but not over-dry the skin. The ones that you should definitely avoid are the creamy ones, or the oil based cleansers. They will only make matters worse. One of the best beauty tips for oily skin is to use gentle facial cleanser that is specifically designed for oily skin.
9. Wearing too much makeup
Trying to cover up the shiny skin with a thick layer of makeup won’t help either. You are likely to end up with a heavy looking, gloopy mess on your skin and it will block up your pores too. Use oil-free makeup and apply it very lightly. It will look better on your skin and soak up some of the oil.
10. Washing your face too often
You probably feel that you need to wash your face numerous times a day, but you really should avoid the temptation and blot your skin instead. Washing will get rid of the oily feeling straight away, but it won’t be long before your skin goes into overdrive to replace that oil. Your skin needs some oil to stay healthy; if you keep stripping it all away, then your skin will work even harder to replace it.
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Reviewed by FAROOQ AHMED

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