- 1-It contains a high level of antioxidants
Dark chocolate, green veggies and raw fruits contain antioxidants. Matcha green tea powder has the highest level of antioxidant content compared to all of these foods, therefore, it can tremendously improve the appearance of your skin, making it look healthier, more glowing and simply flawless; it also can help slow down aging process. Isn’t it perfect?!
- 2-It boosts your concentration and memory
The L-Theanine in Matcha green tea produces chemicals, such as serotonin and dopamine. These chemicals improve memory, enhance mood and boost concentration.
- 3-It fortifies your immune system
Matcha green tea powder contains potassium, iron, calcium, protein and vitamins C and A. Aside from these nutrients, this tea also contains antibiotic properties necessary for the promotion of overall health.
- 4-It gives you a pleasant feeling
Matcha green tea doesn’t require lemon, milk or sugar to add taste, since it already has its own savory flavor. Drinking this wonderful tea that is all natural, without any undesirable components not only makes you feel good, but is also beneficial for your overall wellbeing.
In fact, the list of health benefits of Matcha green tea powder can go on and on…On my opinion, Matcha is simply the best and the most beneficial type of green tea that you can find nowadays.
- 5-It detoxifies your body
The reason why the color of Matcha tea is green is because of its high chlorophyll content, which is a very important element that helps detoxify the body. Thus, when you drink this tea, it naturally removes chemical toxins and heavy metals from your system.
- 6-It’s loaded with EGCg catechins
Catechins are organic compounds present in green teas. Catechins are considered as the most beneficial and potent antioxidants. Matcha green tea powder contains 60% EGCg (epigallocatechin gallate), which is a specific catechin that is most widely known to contain properties that are essential in fighting against cancer.
- 7-It burns calories
Matcha green tea increases metabolism and aids the body in burning fat faster. It’s a diet aide that doesn’t have any side effects, such as increased blood pressure and hight heart rate.
- 8-It increases your endurance and boosts energy levels
Matcha green tea powder has energising properties. It contains a special combination of nutrients, which can give you a powerful energy boost. It is clean and good energy that is released. Although stimulants, typically, cause hypertension and nervousness, as side effects, those who drink Matcha tea don’t experience such side-effects, due to the L-Theanine present in it.
- 9-It gives you a feeling of calmness
L-Theanine, an amino acid present in Matcha tea, gives a feeling of relaxation and calmness. The Japanese Zen Buddhist and Chinese Daoist monks also drink this tea, so that they are not only able to relax, but also to meditate and still remain alert.
- 10-It improves your cholesterol
Those who regularly drink this tea tend to have lower levels of bad (LDL) cholesterol and higher levels of good (HDL) cholesterol. Men who regularly include Matcha tea in their diet are somewhat 11% less prone to heart disease, compared to those whose beverage preference doesn’t include this tea.
Thanks for reading my article for more visit
Reviewed by FAROOQ AHMED

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