Top 5 Health Benefits of Fish
1. Brain
For children, fish plays a crucial part in the development of their brain because it is true that omega-3 fatty acids can stimulate the function of brain cells and help children become more intelligent. On the other hand, old people whose brain does not function well any more can make use of this health benefit of fish to prevent some diseases, such as Alzheimer’s disease. Besides, fish is claimed to be effective to enhance human memory.
2. Sperm
Men will be happy when knowing this health benefit of fish. It is a natural food to improve both the quantity and the quality of men’s sperm. According to some studies, the sperm of 188 men consuming fresh fish more frequently is better than that of those who did not.
3. Weight Loss
As fish contains much protein and less fat, it is ideal for those who want to speed up the weight loss process. In addition, fish is also highly recommended for the rebuild and growth of muscles to help you improve your form.
4. Depression
The amount of omega-3 fatty acids in fish is believed to be super supportive for the depression treatment. It is true that one of the greatest health benefits of fish is to help you get rid of depression effectively. A research was conducted on pregnant women who were believed to suffer from depression regularly due to the sudden hormonal changes. 52 of them consumed 300mg of omega-3s and the result showed that the number of times they experienced depression was much lower.
5. Heart
One of the best health benefits of fish is to keep your heart healthy, which means that fish is effective in the prevention of heart diseases. According to a research carried out in Danish, the risk of suffering from heart diseases in women consuming fish more than once every week was half as little as that in those who did not. Besides, an American study reported that the difference between two groups of male was 15 percent.
Thus, if you want your heart to function well and stay away from heart problems, you should include fish in your weekly consumption.
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Top 5 Health Benefits of Fish
Reviewed by FAROOQ AHMED

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