1) How to get rid of bags under your eyes and reduce dark circles?
Place a slice of cucumber over each eye (keep your eyes closed) while lying down, keep it on for 10-15 minutes, then splash your face with cold water. Cucumber slices are very efficient in reducing eye puffiness and refreshing the skin around your eyes; cucumber also has anti-inflamatory properties.
You can apply thin slices of row potato on your closed eyes for the same purpose using the same principle, it will also help diminish under eyes bags, reduce under eye darkness and refresh your skin.
Here is another well known and very efficient method, using ingredients from your kitchen: steep two bags of green tea in hot water, then remove the bags and let them cool down completely (you can place them in the fridge for sometime), then place the bags on your closed eyes for 10-15 minutes, while lying down and relaxing. Rinse your face splashing it with cold water, it will help refresh the skin. If you do this regularly, you will notice how your under eye circles will diminish.
2) How to get rid of dark underarms?
Well, again, ingredients from your kitchen can help. Mix 1 tea spoon of turmeric powder and 1 tea spoon of lemon, apply it on your under arms for 10 minutes while lying down, then rinse with water. (If you don’t have turmeric powder you can use similar amount of honey or plain yogurt, also mixed with lemon, instead). It should help when done couple of times.
Exfoliating your underarms with the mix of baking soda plus water regularly can also help you get rid of underarms darkness. Rub the paste of baking soda mixed with water on your underarms while in the shower, thus, removing dead skin cells accumulated in that area. Wash out thoroughly.
3) How to make your nails grow faster and make them stronger?
Soak your nails in lemon juice or milk to make them stronger and whiter for 5-10 minutes, then rinse with water and apply olive oil (or coconut oil) on your clean nails, massaging your cuticles. You will notice how your nails become stronger and lighter after couple of times. Also, remember to always put on gloves while washing your dishes, this way you will protect your nails and your hands from harsh and harmful chemical
4) Facial mask that will leave your skin glowing
Did you know that you can rub your breakfast on your face, instead of splurging tons of money for expensive spa treatments? Well, it might sound funny, but it’s true. Try this mask: apply wiped egg yolk or egg white (mixed together or separately) plus 1 table spoon of olive oil (or coconut oil) on your skin, avoiding eye area, for about 5-10 minutes and then, rinse with lukewarm water. Egg white can help make your skin tighter and firmer, egg yolk can nourish and hydrate it. (Egg white is recommended for oily skin, egg yolk – for dry, the mix of both is good for normal skin type.) This simple, all natural facial treatment will leave your skin rejuvenated, nourished and glowing. I love doing this mask once a week or every two weeks and I am absolutely impressed with the result!
5) Remove your makeup using natural oils
Did you know that you can safely and efficiently remove your makeup using coconut oil or olive oil? Well, both of these oils are incredibly beneficial for your beauty, whether you cook with them or you apply them on your skin. In order to remove your makeup, apply a little bit of liquid coconut oil directly on your dry skin (with makeup on) and gently massage your face for about a minute or two to dissolve your makeup, you can also use a cotton pad to make all this process easier. Then, soak a clean washcloth with warm water and place it on your face (make sure your washcloth is not hot, it should be just warm and comfortable to touch) and gently wipe away your makeup till the oil is completely gone. Coconut oil is also safe to use even on most sensitive eyes. Natural oil will treat your skin very gently (it’s incomparable with harsh soaps or makeup removers filled with chemicals), it will nourish, soften and hydrate your face and, thanks to washcloth you will get slight exfoliation, so that your skin will feel super soft and beautiful.
6) Rejuvenating hair conditioner straight from your kitchen
Did you know that you have a hair conditioner right in your kitchen? Mash up one ripe banana and one ripe avocado into a paste, add one table spoon of sunflower oil (it’s light) and one table spoon of honey (it attracts and locks in moisture); apply this mix on your damp already washed hair, comb through to spread the product to the lengths, then put on a shower cup and wrap up your head with a towel. Keep it on for 15-20 minutes, then rinse thoroughly. Your hair will like it!
7) Sweet body scrub
You can easily create your own sugar scrub without leaving your kitchen. Sugar scrubs that you see in shops are not only expensive, but also, they are, usually, packed with chemicals and preservatives, to keep the product in the tube for longer. Here is how you can make your own, beautiful sugar scrub: mix 3 table spoons of brown sugar (or white sugar) with 3 table spoons of olive oil (or coconut oil), add a drop of essential oil of your choice for better scent (rose essential oil will add great odour). Rub your entire body with this “delicious” scrub for couple of minutes, then rinse with warm water and enjoy heavenly soft and beautiful skin!
8) Avocado facial to nourish your skin
Rich in vitamins, natural fats and oils avocado has strong moisturising properties. Mash up half of ripe avocado, add 1 table spoon of coconut oil (or use olive oil or sweet almond oil instead), apply it on your face for 5-10 minutes and then, rinse with lukewarm water. This homemade beauty treatment will relieve dry skin, gently nourishing and moisturising your face. Remember to apply some treatment on your neck as well.
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Reviewed by FAROOQ AHMED

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