1. Avocado and honey
Avocado is especially good for dry skin and, when you mix it with a little honey, it will fight the bacteria that cause acne as well. To make an avocado and honey face mask, mash up half a ripe avocado (you can have the other for lunch!), and mix it with a tablespoon of honey. Apply it to the skin and then leave it to sit for about ten minutes.
2. Milk
Milk is another natural ingredient that has been used for a long time for skin care and this natural face mask recipe is the simplest and quickest of all. Just mix about a quarter a cup of dried milk powder with water into a paste, apply it to your skin, leave it to dry, and then wash it off again with warm water.
3. Egg whites
Egg whites are a useful skin care ingredient because of the way they tighten the skin and, with the added yoghurt in the recipe, this face mask will moisturise the skin too. Mix two tablespoons of plain yoghurt with the whites of two eggs. Apply the mixture to your face and leave it to sit for ten minutes, and then you can rinse it off with warm water.
4. Strawberries
Strawberries are great for cleaning out the pores, exfoliating the skin and removing blackheads. Mash up a quarter cup of strawberries and mix it in with a quarter cup of plain yoghurt. Apply the mixture to your face and leave it on for about ten minutes and, when you wash it off gain, your skin swill feel smooth, soft and refreshed.
5. Mayonnaise
Mayonnaise contains eggs, oil and vinegar, all of which are good natural ingredients for a face mask (as well as for a hair mask). Just grab some mayonnaise straight from the refrigerator and smooth it on your face. It will feel wonderfully cooling and if you leave it on for about ten minutes, it will leave your skin feeling clean and soft.
6. Cucumber
Cucumber can be used on both oily and dry skin, but here’s a face mask recipe that will be great for moisturising dry skin. Mash up some cucumber, so that you have about four tablespoons of pulp and then mix that with two tablespoons of sour cream. This face mask may not smell great, but when you apply it on your face and leave it on for about ten minutes, it will moisturise and soften the skin, and help to reduce the appearance of any blemishes.
7. Oatmeal
Oatmeal is the first of our basic ingredients for homemade face masks that will rejuvenate your skin. This recipe calls for a few other ingredients, but nothing that you don’t already have in your kitchen. Mix a third of a cup of oatmeal with half a cup of hot water. Leave it to sit for a couple of minutes and then stir in two tablespoons of honey and two tablespoons of plain yoghurt. Apply the mask to your face and leave it on for ten minutes.
8. Banana and honey
This is a great recipe that will moisturise your skin, fight bacteria and give your skin a healthy glow. Mash up one ripe banana along with a tablespoon of honey and two drops of fresh lemon juice. Mix it all well together and then apply it to your face and leave it to sit for ten minutes before you wash it off.
9. Cocoa and coffee
This mixture will tighten the skin, remove dead skin cells, and it will improve the blood flow to the skin too. Add 3 tablespoons of ground coffee and 3 tablespoons of cocoa powder to 8 tablespoons of milk. Mix the ingredients together and ten add a couple of tablespoons of honey. Apply the mixture to your face and leave it dry before you wash it off.
10. Vinegar
Apple cider vinegar is the best vinegar to use on your skin, but vinegar of all kinds has been used as a facial toner for centuries. You can either use a tablespoon of vinegar mixed with one cup of water as a facial rinse, or you can mix equal parts vinegar and water as a mask to be applied to the face and left to dry.
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Reviewed by FAROOQ AHMED

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