10 Amazing Health Benefits of Cranberry Juice
1. Peptic Ulcers
Peptic ulcers are the consequences of the bacteria called Helocobacter pylori attacking the stomach and intestine, which can lead to inflammation later. To prevent the condition naturally, you’d better consume more food rich in flavonoids like apples, garlic and cranberry. With one cup of cranberry juice a day, you can see the obvious improvement with your digestive system.
2. Bones and Teeth
Cranberry juice has shown itself as a rich source of calcium, which is beneficial for bones and teeth in human. Besides reinforcing the bones and teeth, calcium plays important role in preventing diseases like osteoporosis. Therefore, it is highly recommended to have a cup of cranberry juice a day to improve not only your bone but also your overall health.
3. Oral Health
Cranberry juice is also used to prevent tooth cavities thanks to the proanthocyanidine, which can suppress the development of harmful bacteria in the mouth. Also, the substance reduces the production of acid as well as the buildup of plaque. By consuming cranberry regularly along with good oral hygiene, you will have an excellent oral health without worrying about tooth cavities.
4. Urinary Tract Infection
Thanks to the proanthocyanidins in cranberry juice, which contains anti-clinging properties, the beverage can inhibit the buildup of bacteria on the bladder walls. Furthermore, it also prevents the growth as well as development of the bacteria, and then removes them from the body through urination. Accordingly, cranberry juice is highly effective in treating and protecting women, especially those who are middle-aged or pregnant, against recurring urinary tract infection.
5. Cancer Prevention
Such valuable substances in cranberry juice like proanthocyanidins, flavonoids, anty-carcinogenic components, etc. have so many functions that greatly contribute to the health of human. One of the biggest impacts of cranberry juice we have to mention here is the ability to prevent cancer. Notably, cranberry juice knows how to make use its elements to neutralize the free radicals in the body, inhibiting the development of cancerous cells. This has been proven to have effect with many types of cancer like breast, colon and prostate cancer.
6. Bacterial Vaginosis
acterial vaginosis is not a rare problem in women. In fact, it is referred to a common condition of inflammation in the vagina that is caused by the excessive amount of anaerobes (bad bacteria) in the area. Meanwhile, cranberry contains such incredible acidic nature used to control the inflammation and infection in vagina. It is advisable for women with bacteria vaginosis to have at least one cup of cranberry juice per day to reduce the symptoms.
7. Antitumor Quality
Another benefit cranberry juice can bring to us is the antitumor effect. Basically, the polypheIt has been confirmed in various studies that cranberry juice protects heart as well as cardiovascular health. At the same time, it actively works to prevent harmful factors that can cause several diseases related to heart. Specifically, the flavonoid compounds in the juice have the ability to limit the oxidation of bad cholesterol (LDL) and simultaneously promote the blood platelets. This means a lot to your heart health as well as your overall condition.
8. Respiratory Infections
nolic compounds in the fruit can restrain the development of tumors in lung, breast, prostate, colon and other body parts. Plus, the juice also contributes to the reduction of swelling, blood clots by using the salicylic acid content.
9. Cardiovascular Health
Respiratory infections are common conditions in children and even adults, which is caused by the Haemophilus influenza. Thankfully, without the interference of medical treatments, you can easily apply ingredients from nature to deal with the condition, including cranberry juice. Apparently, the juice helps to reduce the impact of the bacteria and prevent them from clinging to the skin surface.
10. Lung inflammation
Cranberry juice is believed to possess a capacity of reducing inflammation in various body parts, especially in lungs. In detail, the anti-inflammatory properties in the juice work as the key factor in the mechanism, in which the nondialyzable material fights back the influenza virus and removes them from the body.
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10 Amazing Health Benefits of Cranberry Juice
Reviewed by FAROOQ AHMED

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