5-Amazing Health Benefits of Castor Oil
1. Menstrual Disorder
Castor oil is found extremely helpful for girls and women with delayed, obstructed and painful menstruation. Thanks to the Ricinolein acid, castor oil is able to open menstruation and reduce the pain caused by the period. However, it should be only used in a small amount so as not to lead to other side effects.
2. Stretch Marks
Stretch marks are an annoying problem to women, especially those who have just experienced delivery. Although stretch marks cannot be completely eliminated, you still can reduce the signs and tarnish the marks by using useful ingredients from nature, including castor oil. This is also a great home remedy for milks, dark spots, pimples and other problems of the skin.
3. Skin care
Another benefit you can take from castor oil is skin care. The Undecylenic acid in the ingredient is known to have germicidal and disinfectant properties, thus it can be used in fighting against skin diseases and skin ulcers. Furthermore, the oil is extremely good for bacterial and fungal infections.
4. Rheumatism
Castor oil is packed with a huge amount of healthy fatty acids like the Ricinoleic Acid, Linoleic Acid, Oleic Acid, etc. which are highly effective in treating rheumatism, gout and arthritis. To make use of the oil, apply the oil directly on the affected areas and give them a gentle massage so that the oil can easily penetrate to the skin. For a better effect, you can add some kinds of medicine for rheumatism into the oil before applying.
5. Ringworm
It is not easy to reduce and completely treat the condition of ringworm, a common infectious ailment. Basically, ringworm is caused by the growth of fungus under the first layer of the skin, leading to itchiness, red spots and swelling on several body parts like head, scalp, hands and back. Thankfully, you can fight the fungus with castor oil thanks to its anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties.
Thanks for reading my article for more visit www.healthuneed.blogspot.com
5-Amazing Health Benefits of Castor Oil
Reviewed by FAROOQ AHMED

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