1. Exfoliate regularly
Because you will sweat more on the hot days, regular exfoliation of the skin becomes even more important in the summer months. It will keep your pores unclogged and it gives you a smooth, flake-free canvas onto which you can apply your light summer makeup. It’s important not to scrub away too hard, though, or you will make your skin more susceptible to sunburn. Because of that, it’s better to exfoliate in the evenings during the summer.
2. Keep your hair well-conditioned
The summer sun and all that swimming can be really tough on your hair, so be sure to keep it well conditioned. Use a conditioner after every shampoo and use a deep conditioning product once a week to keep your hair shiny and soft. If you are going to be out in the sun all day, it’s a good idea to wear a hat. It will stop you getting headaches and it will protect your hair from the sunlight.
3-. Switch to cream eyeshadow
If you haven’t tried out cream eyeshadow yet, then this summer is the time to give it a go. They are longer lasting and much more water resistant, and they don’t cake and stick in the creases of your eyelids either. Try a waterproof cream eyeshadow, and you’ll never use a powder eyeshadow in the summer again.
4. Wear a pair of sunglasses
Let’s not forget that you need to protect your eyes against the glare of the sun in the summer too. Sunglasses will stop you squinting, which prevent lines forming around your eyes, and will help to protect your vision as well. Oversized sunglasses provide the best protection and they look cool and glamorous too.
5-. Don’t smudge, blot
Your makeup will become soft in the heat of summer and it will be easy to smudge it, so keep your hands away from your face and don’t wipe off sweat or excess oil. Instead, gently blot your face with blotting paper and, if you need to fresh up, use a light, refreshing, facial spay over the top of your makeup to give it a lift.
6- Keep well hydrated
Take care to keep hydrated during the summer or you could become unwell and it will affect how your skin and hair look. Be especially careful when you are sipping your cocktails in the sun, because alcohol will dehydrate you too. Try to drink about eight glasses of water a day. It will keep you hydrated and you will feel a lot better for it.
7. Don’t drop your skin care routine
Your skin may not dry out so easily in the summer, as it does in the winter, but you still need to take good care of it. Instead of the cold, dry winds of winter, your skin will have to cope with the heat, the sunlight and the effects of products like sunscreen. It’s important then, not to skip your cleansing and moisturising routine during the summer months, if you want to avoid breakouts.
8. Less is best in the summer
You don’t want to be worrying about your makeup sliding off your face, so just cut down on all the cosmetics that you use in the summer. A light, fresh look will match the feelings of the season far better anyway, and less makeup will make you feel more comfortable too. After all, who wants to be stuck in front of mirror touching up their makeup, when they could be outside having some fun?
9. Use sunscreen every single day
We really shouldn’t need to tell you about the dangers of the sun, but every year, you still see people walking around in the summer with complexions the shade of a lobster. Protect yourself from the sun by applying sunscreen every single day, even if it does look a bit overcast outside.
10. Use waterproof makeup
With running eyes from allergies and dust, along with the sweat from your brow and the humid air, makeup doesn’t stand much of a chance of staying put in the summer. That’s why it’s time to switch to waterproof versions of your eyeliner and mascara. Waterproof makeup may cost a little bit more, but it’s worth it if it stops your makeup smudging on hot days.
Thanks for reading my article for more visit www.healthuneed.blogspot.com
Reviewed by FAROOQ AHMED

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