1. Cheer up with an oatmeal and fresh berries
You can eat a bowl of oatmeal anytime of the day, not just in the morning. Sad feelings can be a sign of a lack of the right vitamins in our bodies and a bowl of oatmeal or fortified cereal with some yogurt or milk can remedy that. The vitamins contained in oatmeal will give you an energy boost and promote happy thoughts in your brain. Add some fresh berries in your bowl of oats for an extra antioxidant boost; eating fresh blueberries, strawberries and raspberries will help prevent the release of stress hormone – cortisol, thus helping you to keep your head up high.
2. Smile with a banana
Bananas are a fantastic source of natural sugars that will give you an instant energy boost, pick up your mood and bring a smile back to your face. Bananas – favorite fruit of world’s leading athletes – contain a whole range of nutrients and vitamins, such as tryptophan, that will boost your mood and help you beat the blues.
3. Mood boosting Brazil nuts!
Brazil nuts, and nuts in general, are another great mood boosting foods. Brazil nuts are a great all in one blues beater, as they are rich in vitamins and nutrients and especially in magnesium, which has been shown to reduce stress, anxiety and help beat depression.
4. Marmite on toast – a mood lifting snack
You either love it or you hate it, but Marmite is packed full of vitamins (B1, B2, B3, B9, B12), which boosts your production of serotonin and it particularly contains vitamin B12, lack of which is associated with depression. Other sources of vitamin B12 include: eggs, milk, yogurt, fortified cereals, cottage cheese, lean beef, etc.
5. Send the grumps packing with an orange
The citric acid in an orange will wake up your system and the vitamin C will help to get oxygen to your brain, so carry an orange with you as a quick remedy, when you feel your grumpy side coming out. Orange essential oil, for example, is a well known mood booster, thanks to its amazing uplifting properties, it’s very refreshing, relaxing and is commonly used to relief stress and beat anxiety.
6. Increase the complex carbs and decrease the foul mood
People on a low carbohydrate diet can find that it affects their mood. The difference between simple carbs and complex carbs is that the complex carbs, like whole grain bread or brown rice, are absorbed by the body much slower, then the simple carbs, thus, not causing big spikes in insulin. Carbohydrates are another thing that hep your body to produce serotonin, the lack of which can cause anxiety and depression. Increasing your complex carbohydrate intake a little will improve your mood. Foods that include complex carbs are: whole grain pastas and breads, brown rice, sweet potatoes, lentils, peas, etc…
7. Reduce stress and boost your mood with dark chocolate
It may not be so good for your figure, but chocolate cheers you up and that’s a medical fact! Science has proven that the antioxidants in chocolate reduce the levels of cortisol in your body, a hormone known as ‘the stress hormone’. In a study, people who ate dark chocolate daily for just a couple of weeks were found to have less cortisol in their bodies and therefore, felt less stressed.
8. Calm your nerves with a cup of green tea
If you are feeling agitated and anxious, then try drinking a cup of green tea to calm you down. Anxiety and the blues go hand in hand and green tea will help calm you down and allow you to become more focused. It also has the added benefits of boosting your metabolism and reducing cholesterol levels, thus helping you shed some extra pounds, it makes your skin look gorgeous, thanks to big content of antioxidants, and it even can help to prevent cancer.
9. Boost your brain with some spinach
It’s easy to say that you are depressed, when actually, it may be that you just need an energy boost. Spinach is one of the best foods for this; it contains loads of healthy nutrients and helps to increase the blood flow to your brain, which will give you just the boost that you need. So eat up!
10. Fish – a natural antidepressant
Seafood such as sardines and salmon contain omega-3 fatty acids, which enhance the production of dopamine and serotonin, which are two substances that both help to regulate mood. Plus, omega-3 rich foods help improve skin tone and skin texture, and make your hair shinier and healthier!
Thanks for reading my article for more visit www.healthuneed.blogspot.com
Reviewed by FAROOQ AHMED

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