Dear friends as you know that:
The acai (ah-sigh-EE) berry is harvested from acai palm trees, which are indigenous to South American rainforests.
For centuries, this relative of the cranberry and blueberry has been known to be an immune-stimulating, healing, energy-enhancing fruit. Studies have demonstrated this antioxidant-rich berry may be able to help prevent diseases related to oxidative damage and provide numerous other health benefits.
Some of these benefits include:
1-Weight Loss & Management
There is some indication that acai may be able to help you lose weight and sustain a healthy weight. The National Institutes of Aging discovered in one study that acai berry pulp could lessen the harmful effects of a high-fat diet in laboratory studies on flies.
2-Glowing Skin
Acai oil is popping up in more and more beauty products as companies begin to recognize that the oil has a high level of antioxidants and makes for a wonderful natural alternative to harmful chemical based skin-care products. Acai berries can also you’re your skin a healthier glow if you take them internally.
3-Better Digestion
Acai berries have a strong ability to help our bodies detoxify and are also a great source of dietary fiber. These properties can help keep our digestive system clean and in working optimally.
4-Boost Energy & Mental Clarity
Taking acai extract help increase your overall stamina energy and levels and provide you with more mental clarity. If you feel the need for an energy boost, either eat the berries directly or take the more convenient capsule form.
5-Healthy Heart
Acai berries are extremely high in anthocyanins (also found in red wine), a plant-based antioxidant that can help reduce cholesterol levels in your blood stream. Plant sterols found in acai berries can also deliver heart-protecting benefits by enhancing blood circulation, inhibiting blood clots and relaxing blood vessels.
6-Fight Cancer
Acai berries have a strong ability to boost your immune system due to their hight levels of Vitamin C and ellagic acid. The combination of these nutrients has exhibited the ability to suppress cancer growth. The Journal of Agriculture and Food Chemistry published a study demonstrating that polyphenolic compounds extracted from acai berries could reduce the multiplication of cancer cells by 56-86%. It’s believed that phytochemcials found in acai berries can actually halt the process of carcinogenesis at the molecular level, causing tumorous cells to die before they have the chance to reproduce.
Acai berries can be eaten raw, taken in a tablet or capsule form, blended into drinks like juice, smoothies or energy drinks and in a number of other ways
Thanks for reading my article health benefits of acai berries for more visit www.healthnlife.blogspot.com.
Reviewed by FAROOQ AHMED

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