7 Amazing Health Benefits of Chia Seeds
1-Good for Bone health
The regular consumption of chia can provide you essential nutrients for bone such as calcium, phosphorus, protein and magnesium, etc. In a single ounce of chia seeds, there is 18% of the RDA, which is likely to be more than most dairy products.Make chia seeds your favorite food to improve your bone health.
2-Boost your energy
Many people assume that chia seeds can improve exercise performance as much as sports drink. Specifically, in a study with athletes, chia seeds show its ability to increase the nutrients intakes and decrease the sugar ones during the performance, thus strengthen their endurance of.
3-Reducing the risk of heart disease and diabetes
In some study’s records, a diet with chia seeds, soy protein, oats and nopal, has been tested to improve the ability to reduce inflammation, lower LDL cholesterol and triglycerides and increase HDL cholesterol. Also, they can decrease the change of insulin resistance and abnormally high levels of blood sugar.Though there is still not no conclusion for chia can help with heart disease and type 2 diabetes, chia shows itself as a potential food-medicine
Chia seeds are high in quality protein. Compared to most of the plants, the protein in chia is relatively high, about 14% by their weight. Moreover, chia seeds also provide essential amino acids for our body to effectively make use of the protein.As in many research, the more protein you take, the less appetite you feel. Thus, chia seeds are used to help people overcome the hunger and craving for snack at night. This makes it a great food for vegetarians and those who are on die
For the fact that chia contains fiber in 40% of its seed it stays among the best sources of fiber in the world.
Meanwhile, fiber is a substance that benefit human in anti-inflammation, reducing cholesterol and regulating bowel function. Also, fiber helps to nurture friendly bacteria in intestine, which is good for your health.More importantly, fiber doesn’t count as a carb because it doesn’t affect the sugar in blood or require insulin to function. This makes chia seeds an inevitable low-carb composition in daily diet for those who want to lose their weight. The seed is capable of absorbing up to 10-12 times their weight in water; expanding in your stomach and making you feel full longer. To increase fiber intakes is to cut down the fatty ones.
The high antioxidant content is the one that helps chia seeds last almost two years without refrigeration. This fact means that the seed also have enough antioxidant properties to prevent radicals from contributing to ageing and cancer diseases. An appropriate intakes daily will help you stay young and healthy.
7-Omega-3 fatty acids
In fact, the omega-3 acids in chia seed are likely to exceed that in salmon. This is a essential substance in the body to decrease LDL, total cholesterol and triglyceride levels, reduce atherosclerotic plaque as well as improve endothelial function, and slightly lower blood pressure. That’s why chia seed can reduce inflammation, high cholesterol and reinforce cognitive performance.However the Omega-3s in chia are mostly Alpha Linolenic Acid (ALA) that needs to be converted into EPA and DHA so that it can be used and benefit people.
Thanks for reading my article for more visit www.healthuneed.blogspot.com
7 Amazing Health Benefits of Chia Seeds
Reviewed by FAROOQ AHMED

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