2 Easy Ways to Make Delicious Coconut Milk at Home
Dear friends,Coconuts are among the world’s healthiest foods. Drinking coconut milk is full of health benefits and because coconut milk is completely free from dairy, lactose, soy, nuts or grains, it’s a good option for vegans or anyone avoiding dairy, nut or grain-based milks.
6-Health Benefits of Coconut Milk:
- Helps Lower Blood Pressure and Cholesterol
- Builds Muscle
- Helps With Weight Loss
- Improves Digestion
- Prevents Joint Inflammation and Arthritis
- Prevents Ulcers
You can find many different options for coconut milk at the supermarket although you will find it very difficult to find one that is pure and additive free. Most will contain added sugar or sweeteners, preservatives and canned milk contains. Most are also pasteurized (which can potentially destroy some of the nutrients).
Making your own fresh coconut milk is so quick, easy and delicious that you will ask yourself why you waited so long to make it! Here are my 2 favourite options:
1-Using Fresh Coconut Meat.
You can either buy fresh coconut meat that has been vacuumed sealed or buy the whole coconut and cut it yourself .
- 2-3 cups fresh coconut meat
- 4-6 cups of filtered water
- Drill holes or use a knife to poke holes in the eyes of the coconut. Drain the coconut water and set aside. (You can save this to use in smoothies).
- Once you find the seam that goes around the coconut, cover with a kitchen towel and hold tight. Use a hammer or mallet along the seam to split the coconut open.
- Scoop out the coconut meat and and cut into small pieces.
- In a blender, combine the coconut meat and water and blend for about 2-3 minutes.
- Pour mixture through a sieve or nut milk bag to separate liquid from coconut pulp.
- Store coconut milk in the refrigerator to use as needed.
2-Using Dried, Shredded Coconut.
This is actually pretty close to making it with fresh coconuts without the hassle of cracking open a coconut.
- 2 cups of organic coconut flakes (unsweetened)
- 4 cups of filtered water
- In a high-speed blender, combine the shredded coconut and filtered
- Blend for about 5 minutes.
- Pour mixture through a sieve or nut milk bag to separate liquid from coconut pulp.
- Store coconut milk in the refrigerator to use as needed.
Fresh coconut milk will last for a week in the fridge.
Thanks for reading my article for more visit www.healthuneed.blogspot.com
2 Easy Ways to Make Delicious Coconut Milk at Home
Reviewed by FAROOQ AHMED

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