1. What does Retinol do?
Retinol is a form of vitamin A that has been proven to be effective at boosting the elasticity of the skin and so reducing the appearance of wrinkles. Creams that contain retinol are available in different concentrations and the stronger creams are only available through a doctor. Women who are planning on getting pregnant or who are pregnant should not use retinol creams, because there is a potential danger for a growing baby.
2. Moisturising at night works the best
Moisturiser isn’t just for your morning beauty routine, because it works a lot better at night. Cleanse your face every night and apply moisturiser, and it will have more time to be absorbed and hydrate the skin better.
3. Exfoliating makes skin creams more effective
Exfoliating your skin, removes dead skin cells, and lets the new skin beneath shine through. Regular exfoliation will also stop those dead skin cells from preventing your skin creams from being absorbed into the skin, so it will make them much more effective. If the dead skin cells are left on your skin, they will also mix with your skin creams and clog up your pores.
4. What do antioxidants do?
Many skin creams contain antioxidants, such as vitamins A, C and E. Antioxidants protect cells in the body from being damaged by free-radicals, which can be the cause of premature ageing and cancer. The benefits of antioxidants are scientifically proven, so creams that contain them will be beneficial, but you can also get these antioxidants from foods such as fruits, nuts and vegetables.
5. You should be using a moisturiser with SPF all year round
The sun is there all year round, even if it isn’t scorching hot. One of the biggest causes of premature ageing of the skin is exposure to sunlight, so you should be using skin creams that contain SPF whether it is sunny outside, or cloudy. To prevent the sun damaging your skin and causing wrinkles, look for skin creams that have an SPF count of at least 15.
6. All skin creams are not the same
All moisturisers and skin creams are not the same and you should be paying attention to the skin type that your moisturiser has been designed for. Not all creams are suitable for every part of the body either. The skin on your eyelids, for example, is very thin and will need a cream that has been designed specifically for that purpose.
7. Moisturisers of any kind will help to reduce wrinkles
Even the most basic moisturising creams will help prevent lines and wrinkles forming on the skin. The specialised anti-ageing products do have specific ingredients in them that used for anti-ageing, such as antioxidants, but your skin gets wrinkles when it loses its elasticity and a simple daily moisturiser will help to delay that.
8. Most of the skin cream that you apply is not absorbed into the skin
Cosmetic companies work hard to find formulas for skin creams that will improve the absorption rate, because the skin is actually designed to keep things out of your body, not pull them in. There is no real evidence to suggest that any more than 60% of what you apply to your skin will be absorbed, and, for many products, it’s quite probably a lot less than that.
9. Most skin care products contain preservatives
Most skin creams are water based, so they need to have preservatives added to stop the products spoiling. The ingredients of most skin creams are: water, emollients and humectants, which help to keep the skin hydrated, as well as oils and emulsifiers, which turn the lotion into a cream.
10. What do peptides do?
Peptides, which are contained in many anti-wrinkle creams, are amino acids that are said to help promote the growth of new skin cells and so reduce the appearance of wrinkles on the skin. They are definitely useful for hydrating the skin, but their effectiveness at reducing wrinkles is still debated by some experts
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Reviewed by FAROOQ AHMED

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