1. But they save time on makeup
If you get professionally applied eyelash extensions you won’t need to waste time with mascara every day. Besides, they’re not just good for special occasions – you won’t look ridiculous with your extensions in the office. And they last, remember.
2. Check the glue
Make sure the glue your technician is using to attach the eyelash extensions will not cause an allergic reaction – these are your eyes we’re talking about, after all. This is done with a patch test, where the glue is put on a patch of skin to see if the skin will react adversely.
3. Take breaks
Even if you really love your eyelash extensions and want to grow old with them, they could interfere with your natural ones, so don’t wear them constantly. Risks include pile-up of dirt and bacteria, which can cause infections of the hair follicles, and arrested growth of your natural lashes.
4. Go to a professional
That should be clear by now but let’s repeat it – if you want the best results and minimal risks with eyelash extensions, invest in professional application with a salon that has a good reputation for fake lash application. If you only want them for a special occasion, get a ready set and follow the application instructions strictly.
5. Mascara first, fake lashes second
If you’re applying your ready-to-wear fake lashes yourself, make sure you first put mascara on your own lashes. This will make it easier if you’re applying individual “filler” lashes. If you’re glueing a full set, conceal the base with eyeliner or a dark eyeshadow.
6. Remove gently
Removing fake lashes can cost you some of your own if not done properly. The proper way is the gentle way: dab the special remover along the base of the fake lashes, count to five, until it softens the glue, then gently pull from one end. If you’ve had individual lashes, use pincers.
7. They’re made of mink
Well, not all of them, of course, but mink is one of the three main materials used for fake lashes and eyelash extensions, along with synthetic filament and silk. Environmentalists better shut their eyes but that’s the ugly, or perhaps beautiful, truth, depending on the viewpoint.
8. Not everyone can get a lush look
The thickness of your eyelash extensions will depend on the thickness and structure of your natural lashes. So, if yours are thin and short, the lash technician will recommend a partial set of fake lashes, to add thickness, but not a full set, which likely won’t last.
9. Single lash application is 10 years old
Applying eyelash extensions, one at a time, was invented in South Korea about ten years ago. It takes a while, granted, but it makes for more durable lashes. If during the procedure you start feeling any kind of irritation or discomfort in your eyes, don’t keep quiet, it may be an allergic reaction to the glue.
10. They can be a bother
In the sense that eyelash extensions require frequent maintenance to prolong their life on your eyes. This takes time and money – a visit to the technician every four, six or eight weeks, as well as a three-digit sum for the initial application.
Thanks for reading my article for more visit www.healthuneed.blogspot.com
Reviewed by FAROOQ AHMED

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